The client ID and secret included in the request were invalid. Find your API keys in the Dashboard.

http code 400
 "error_category": "INVALID_INPUT",
 "error_code": "INVALID_API_KEYS",
 "error_message": "Invalid client ID or secret provided",
 "display_message": null

Common causes

  • The API keys are not valid for the environment being used, which can commonly happen when switching between development environments and forgetting to switch API keys

Troubleshooting steps

  • Find your API keys in the Dashboard.
  • Make sure you are using the secret that corresponds to the environment you are using (Sandbox, Development, or Production).
  • Make sure you are not using a token created in one environment in a different environment (for example, using a Sandbox token in the Development environment).
  • Visit the Deck Dashboard to verify that you are enabled for the environment you are using.