On Data Consistency
Understanding Data Consistency Across Utility Providers
Common to all provider types: most of the billing, payment, and address fields will be common to all providers, as they are basic billing elements.
Common to some provider types: fields related to utility usage and meter readings will apply to electricity, gas, and water but not to waste.
Exclusive to electricity: advanced fields like demand meter readings, power factor, and kVar are exclusive to electricity providers.
Fields Common to All Provider Types (Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste)
These fields will generally appear for all types of providers:
1. companyName
2. accountNumber
3. billingPeriod.startDate
4. billingPeriod.endDate
5. balanceForward
6. previousPayments
7. newCharges
8. totalAmountDue
9. paymentDueDate
10. currency
11. billingAddress.name
12. billingAddress.street
13. billingAddress.city
14. billingAddress.state
15. billingAddress.postalCode
16. billingAddress.country
17. payments.amount
18. payments.date
19. currentStatementDate
20. nextStatementDate
Fields Common to Some Provider Types
These fields appear in Electricity, Gas, and Water but not for Waste:
1. serviceType (varies by provider, but all providers will have it)
2. serviceAddress.street
3. serviceAddress.city
4. serviceAddress.state
5. totalUtilityUsed (applicable for consumption-based utilities like electricity, gas, water but not waste)
6. servicePlan (Electricity, Gas, and possibly Water)
7. totalNewCharges (common to all services)
8. utilityCharges.group
9. utilityCharges.details
10. utilityCharges.amount
11. utilityCharges.dateRange
12. meters.meterNumber (applies to any metered service)
13. meters.meterReading.startDate
14. meters.meterReading.endDate
15. meters.meterReading.startValue
16. meters.meterReading.endValue
17. meters.meterReading.delta
18. meters.meterReading.multiplier
19. meters.meterReading.totalUsage
20. meters.meterReading.unitOfMeasure
Fields Exclusive to One Provider Type (Electricity)
These fields are specific to electricity and won’t be found in other provider types:
1. demandMeterReading.reading (specific to electricity usage monitoring)
2. demandMeterReading.multiplier
3. demandMeterReading.unitOfMeasure (kW - kilowatts, which is specific to electricity)
4. tension (specific to electricity, related to voltage)
5. powerFactor (specific to electricity, measuring the efficiency of electricity usage)
6. kVar (specific to electricity, reactive power)
Updated about 1 month ago